
It is not over, yet.

The war between Israel and Hamas is not over yet. It might never end. This evening the Hamas announced that, unless all its demands will be answered, it will end the ceasefire and regain shooting missiles on Israel in Friday, at 08.00 am. Maybe they did not have enough damage yet. After all, it is not the Hamas that pays the price for its stubbornness, but the citizens of Gaza, who elected Hamas and became its human shields.
This threat might be a futile threat, used to get more than Israel can allow – Israel does not agree to confirm the setting of an airport in Gaza, because if such an airport will be built, it will be used for future fortification and arming of Gaza against Israel.
This war is a new kind of war. It is not a war on land or on occupied territories alone. It is a religious war, led by a terror organization against a sovereign western state. This is a part of the rising of Islamic movements in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and other countries, where it is conquering a city after city, killing other Muslims, forcing women to undergo circumcision, and establishing the new Hallifat, the new Islamic state, which has no borders yet, since they wish to capture the Middle East and then the Globe.
Western countries such as England, France, Spain, Norway and others, protest against the way Israel has responded to the threat of Hamas on our state. It is quiet obvious that, under the pretense of defending human rights, many left-wing liberal Europeans express their anti-Semitic values, mixed with fright of their Islamic citizens.
The truth is that the western civilization should examine very closely the moves of Hamas during this war, study it and bless Israel for her boldness towards Hamas. This is because Israel is fighting with Hamas for the cause of all western civilization. And soon enough there will come a day in which ISIS activists will try to take over parts of European countries as well.
The Islamic crusade has only begun. What you see now between Israel and Gaza is only a fraction of a bigger picture, in which Iran and Qatar are sponsoring the ultimate battle of Islam on humanity.
It will not take more than a generation until European countries will search after a way to cancel citizenship of Islamic immigrants and send them back to their states of origin. What Israel is experiencing now is only the beginning of world war 3, as in enrolls already in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
We will sustain. We have no other choice. But the price the Palestinians will pay will be very high. And ours as well.
You can curse us. You can drag us to Den Hug, you can condemn us in the UN. One thing you cannot do is to convince us change our attitude towards Hamas. Because Hamas is aimed to abolish us, and we will not let it happen.


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